Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Lost & Found

I had experienced having problem with my lungs. I was 16 years old then, too young. It’s the time when I had just finished my secondary studies, way back April 1997. And like any teenager, I am quite excited about my life after high school. It really feels good, to think that I will be on a higher level of studies, with new classmates, new subjects, and much more new experiences. But, that feeling was interrupted by a dark evening occurrence. I was coughing… I don’t know why… All I know is that I don’t feel anything different with my body. I coughed and coughed… But I still remain lying on my bed, until I felt that there is a strand-like thing inside my mouth. I had quickly get up, and went straight to the comfort room to check it out. It is blood!!! There is blood!!! I am scared!!! I was frightened of that thing that I even don’t know yet. I wasn’t able to go back to sleep then, I was so much bothered of that incident. Maybe I am afraid that I will wake up again feeling the same thing.

This had swiftly changed what was planned. I wasn’t able to enroll on an engineering course that semester. I had stayed at home taking medicines. It had really made me sad. I even asked GOD why HE let this happen to me. Why me?! How about my dreams? What would happen to me? I am so much lost then...

Faith in GOD is the strongest weapon against anything. Nothing can ever out power prayer. It is our shield against fear, trouble, hatred, or anything negative. I had surpassed the trial, but of course with the help and guidance of our Good LORD. He has plans for me, and I believe it is for the better. I trust HIM!

I had taken a degree/course different from what I had originally planned, and had graduated with honors. Isn’t HE so good? HE has HIS own way of showing me how much HE cares. GOD is in control! And, I know this is what HE wants me to be into. YOU own my life, LORD With that, I am letting YOU be of full control of it.

HE knows best!


anonymous said...

Prayer is powerful. In Matthew 7:7-8, Jesus said, "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened."

joy said...

PRAYER... It is the most powerful tool against trials. The most effective medicine against sickness & the most valuable gift to someone we care for!

freeman said...

very touching and inspiring keep up the good work bcoz u really inspired lots of people

Spirited woman said...

Thank you for that wonderful message, freeman. I will, I'll sure will!