Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Are you tired?

We all get tired! It may be of different reasons, but we all get tired at times. We get lost! We don’t know what to do and find ourselves missing from nowhere. We feel weary and burdened by many things in life.

What could be the problem? Some get tired of their work probably because they don’t find meaning in them. They feel empty! Some feel like they are a failure. Some are burnt out. Something is missing in it, maybe a spiritual way of looking at one’s work. Some are burdened with the need to prove themselves all the time; proving they are worthy, better, and, successful in everything. Others are tired of meaningless relationships, fulfilling everyone else’s expectations or just being right and doing the right thing all the time. Some might be weary of taking care of an aging parent or a sick family member. One might be weary of an indifferent spouse, a rebellious child or abusive parents. Others might be too tired of their repeated failures in whatever attempts they do to better themselves and their relationships.

It was actually what the Holy Gospel last Sunday is all about. Matthew 11:28 says “Come unto me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

As Father Ron started his homily, he requested all to look at the person beside us and ask this question, “Are you tired?” I smiled, and even say “YES!” And, although it seems like I’m joking, but it’s the truth. I’m tired!!! For many reasons, I guess… many things to think about. I worry too much; I think that’s the main problem.

But as Father Ron continues on his preach, he emphasized the advantages of being a child. A child does not worry, and has no problems at all. He depends on his family, the elders. He doesn’t keep problems, hatred, or any negative thoughts on his heart. He remains pure and innocent.

As he proceeds, he said how important it is to live like a child, to feel like a child. We should depend unto the LORD. What is missing on us is “trust!” Trust HIM, and there is nothing to worry about. Live with Jesus in your heart and everything will go on light. As you pray, always say “I entrust everything to you, LORD.. Kayo na po ang bahala.”

Whether we are only half-weary or almost wiped out or totally tired and burdened, the great invitation of Jesus continues to echo in our heart: Come to me and I will give you rest. In me you will find rest. You don’t need to prove yourselves worthy. I love you in spite of and even in your unworthiness. I have made you worthy. Stay with me even for a short while and I guarantee that you will be renewed and regain your strength.

The loving invitation of Jesus is extended to everyone. We see here the great compassion of Jesus for all those who are ready to give up. Included in this invitation are those who are lost and do not know what to do with their own life, those who want to stop by the wayside and rest from the rat race of competition and accumulation.

Come to the heart of Jesus. There you will find love like no other. There you will find rest.


tina said...

1 Corinthians 16:13
Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong.