Sunday, June 29, 2008


Stress is a physical, chemical, or emotional factor that causes tension of the mind or body and may contribute to the onset of certain diseases. Symptoms are as follows: migraine, increased heart rate, a rise in blood pressure, muscular tension, irritability and depression.

Examine and check out yourself. Listed below are the early warning signs of burnout. Better recognize it from the start rather than be left unaware, until it becomes more serious.

  1. Chronic fatigue - exhaustion, tiredness, a sense of being physically run down
  2. Anger at those making demands
  3. Self-criticism for putting up with the demands
  4. Cynicism, negativity, and irritability
  5. A sense of being besieged
  6. Exploding easily at seemingly inconsequential things
  7. Frequent headaches and gastrointestinal disturbances
  8. Weight loss or gain
  9. Sleeplessness and depression
  10. Shortness of breath
  11. Suspiciousness
  12. Feelings of helplessness
  13. Increased degree of risk taking

If you are experiencing one or more of the above mentioned signs, ACT on it! Better do something to release the negative forces within you.

There is only one reason for stress/burnout. It is LACK of FAITH! With GOD in your heart, there is space left for stress. Life can be happier and fulfilling if we remember this simple thought, “We can’t have it all, but GOD gives all that we need.” Stay happy! No one else can help you but yourself. Throw all your worries to the wind and let them fly to GOD. In the end, it is HE alone who guides the wind to breeze joy and love back to you.

Never let stress cover your life. Remember: You are too blessed to be stressed!


Doodles... said...

Just enjoy life's trials. Everything we do in life includes stress. It's just a matter of how you handle each and every situation to avoid being so stressed out.

Unknown said...

Yeah. Amen. It’s just being lack of faith. Because, stress/burnout effects, it’s just came from things that happen inside and outside our body, as from outside; we used to get it from situations, problems, demands and events and from inside; we get it from our emotions, feelings, moods, and thoughts and that’s all reality… and we might / should accept. And also a matter of admitting or acknowledging those things happens to us, but if God is there in you, no way to worry/stress. =)

tina said...

Stress is actually a normal part of life. It can be considered beneficial, ONLY if it comes in small quantities, for it can be a good source of motivation for you to be more productive. However, if it comes into a huge amount, it is therefore HARMFUL to your health.

joy said...

Everything has a purpose! Just be strong, and always pray...