Thursday, June 26, 2008

Traitor Spices

Problems come to help us grow. It teaches us to be strong and to daringly face the every day’s surprises. “We always want the sunshine but there should always be rain.” Nice one! Meaningful, but still, it’s so hard to accept that it’s for a reason.

These are all spices of life, and without such, life is BORING! However, it doesn’t come easy. It enters your life unexpectedly, on times you’re not ready. And it doesn’t have considerations; it sinks in within and squeezes your soul as if sufferings are forever. Traitor spices! It doesn’t sound good! But, believe me… You need them! And be thankful you’ve been given with such.

Let go of worries, live your life in the fullest. After all, worries just ruin your life. It distracts you from being happy and fulfilled. Why worry if GOD is with you? Trust HIM and you’ll be in peace.

“Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it’s called the present.” A very interesting line by the tortoise Master Oogway from the movie, “Kung Fu Panda,” that had struck my mind. It is a 2008 animated film about a bungling panda who aspires to be a kung fu warrior. Po was inspired by the tortoise and had actually believed in himself and endears himself with his tenacity, good cooking and sense of humor. What is important is that he’d learn to believe in himself and that nothing is impossible with determination. He’d actually wisely utilized GOD’s gift, which includes his talents, and had followed his dreams.

Have faith in yourself! Be thankful of all the blessings, and be contented of what you have. You may never know, what you actually acquire is something that others really wish and hope for. Trust HIM, He knows what’s best for you.

Praise HIM! You’re blessed!


anonymous said...

"There is no accident!" I just want to add a line, also from the movie "Kung Fu Panda," which I believe is true. Everything that happens has its purpose. There is no such accident and there's a reason for everything. It happens because it has to happen and there's a lesson to be learned behind. We just have to BELIEVE! We just have to TRUST! GOD is good!

joy said...

Yes, problems are part of life, and it is meant for us to learn.. to learn and learn... Just enjoy it!